By on Saturday, 29 April 2017
Category: Blog

Ever wonder why BOTOX® doesn't work for some?

Resistance to BOTOX is extremely rare. The most common reason why the product fails is the technique of the individual injecting it. If the BOTOX is not placed into the muscle or the if the proper amount is not used – it won’t work well. Also, a good understanding of the patient is essential for good results.

Another reason why people might feel that BOTOX did not work for them is a misunderstanding of what the product can do. Some patients are under the impression that BOTOX can treat all lines and wrinkles. In fact, BOTOX is best for treating wrinkles that form when you move the muscle, i.e. when you frown, raise your eyebrows or smile. Wrinkles present at rest may improve after several years of using BOTOX every three months, but they will not go away immediately.

For wrinkles that are present at rest, other adjunctive therapies like lasers and wrinkle fillers are more appropriate.

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