By on Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Category: Blog

The benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D has many health benefits. It helps the intestine absorb nutrients like calcium and phosphorus for strong bones and a strong immune system. It prevents rickets, regulates blood pressure, reduces stress, helps fight depression, improves skin health, and countless other benefits.

The benefits of vitamin D can be derived from consuming foods that are naturally rich in vitamin D like salmon and tuna or vitamin D fortified foods like milk and breakfast cereal. The same benefits can be derived from vitamin D supplements and exposure to sunlight.

Exposure to sunlight is the most unreliable source because it depends on factors like the angle of the sun, the pigmentation of your skin and the use of sunscreen products. Exposure to sunlight is also the most dangerous source of vitamin D because it increases your chances of developing skin cancer.

For my patients who are vitamin D deficient, I recommend a diet high in vitamin D rich foods like milk, cheese, and fish. If that is insufficient, I recommend a supplemental oral vitamin spray that is easy to take and readily absorbed. Only as a last resort do I recommend exposure to the harmful rays of the sun.

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