By on Thursday, 15 December 2016
Category: Blog

The Doctors Roundtable With O’Donoghue Dermatology

We sat down and talked with the specialists of O'Donoghue Dermatology to discuss some of the most current issues in dermatology today.

Dr. J Morgan O'Donoghue, Physicians Assistants Nathaniel Swartz, PA-C and Amy Fenenga, PA-C have a combined 35 years in the specialty of medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology. They gave us an insight into some of the most important topics in this interesting specialty.

Q: Oxybenzone is rumored to be an unsafe ingredient and is widely used in most sunscreens, what advice would you give to your patients when choosing a sunscreen with Oxybenzone?

A: Dr. O'Donoghue: I think the jury is still out in regards to Oxybenzone. I still believe the most effective ingredients to have in a sunscreen are Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide which are inert minerals and have proven to be very safe. In our office we offer several Oxybenzone-free options including an oil-free SPF 30 and a broad-spectrum SPF 50 sunscreen.

Swartz, PA-C: The problem with these rumors is that they are using information from studies involving mice that received doses of these chemicals that a person would never receive from the normal use of sunscreens. Although Oxybenzone is most likely safe to use, I still think your best bet is to use a sunblock that contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as the active ingredients and with at least an SPF 30.

Fenenga, PA-C: There were a few poorly done studies stating that Oxybenzone "could" be unsafe. The truth is it has been FDA approved since 1980. It is an excellent sunscreen that blocks UVA and UVB rays and is cosmetically elegant. I recommend also wearing sun protective clothing and avoiding the sun between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Q: Skin cancer is the most diagnosed cancer in the world; some say it is an epidemic. What do the O'Donoghue Dermatology esteemed specialists' feel is the most important information that everyone should know to prevent this common form of cancer?

A: Dr. O'Donoghue: Skin cancer really is an epidemic. Nearly one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. I try to stress to my patients to have a thorough examination by a board-certified dermatologist at least once a year and perform regular monthly self-examinations at home. Early detection of skin cancer is the key.

Swartz, PA-C: Regular examinations at your dermatology office are key in preventing skin cancer. Skin cancer can be dangerous if not detect and treated early. We are able to identify spots before they become cancerous and treat them with the latest technology to avoid having to undergo surgical intervention.

Fenenga; PA-C: Prevention is the key: wear sunscreen, never go to tanning beds, and wear protective clothing. Once you have a history of sun damage the key is surveillance.

Q: More people are looking for less invasive cosmetic procedures. What procedures are available with today's technology and how long is the healing time? Also, what advice would be helpful in maintaining healthy skin?

A: Dr. O'Donoghue: The world of cosmetic dermatology is at very exciting time. One of my favorite procedures to help rejuvenate skin is the combination of wrinkle fillers followed by fractional CO2 laser. This combination of treatments can be done safely in the office with topical anesthesia. There is very little downtime and the results last for many years.

Swartz, PA-C: There are so many ways to help maintain that youthful look to your Skin. Every person's needs are different and we are able to personalize a treatment plan specific for you. We have a variety of the latest lasers and injectables that have minimal downtime to meet those goals. A great topical routine that patients can use to maintain healthy looking skin is a sunblock and antioxidant-rich moisturizer during the day and retinol serum at night.

Fenenga, PA-C: Botox, dermal fillers, and lasers are all great options that have little or no downtime. If you are going to spend money on these procedures, it is good to have a maintenance program to maintain the quality of your skin. We can customize a successful regimen for you with our Juvenus product line.

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